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Johnson’s resignation honours list will last a lifetime

With the Prime Minister set to exit Downing Street in the near future, attention has turned to who’s staying behind: his resignation honours list. It is tradition for departing PMs to create new life peerages...

Posted 28 Jul 2022

These are lifetime passes with exclusive access to the corridors of power

ERS in the Press: January 2022

Scandal and crisis at the heart of government have dominated the news as we begin 2022. Yet in a packed news cycle of covid regulation breaking parties in Downing Street, and a pantomime-esque will-they-won’t-they over...

Posted 04 Feb 2022

pile of newspapers

How are the members of upper houses chosen around the world?

Many countries use a bicameral political system – meaning that they have two chambers in their parliament. These parliaments are comprised of a lower house where the government is formed and day-to-day politics is carried...

Posted 27 Jan 2022

other countries have powerful regional representatives, Britain remains the odd-one-out