Help shape the Electoral Reform Society by voting in our Council Elections

Lizzie Lawless, Membership and Digital Officer

Posted on the 10th September 2021

In the upcoming weeks, members of the Electoral Reform Society will be voting in this year’s ERS Council elections. The candidates are their fellow members, who have spent the last few weeks putting together their applications.

The ERS Council is elected every two years using the fair and proportional Single Transferable Vote voting system, and the involvement of our members is key. Our Council are the Board of the Electoral Reform Society and are the driving force behind the Society. Council members set our strategy and take an active part in shaping the direction of our campaigns.

Voting in these elections provides an opportunity – available only to members – to help shape the Society’s agenda and help inject energy and enthusiasm into the job of building a better democracy.

With the elections just around the corner, you must have membership with the Society before the end of the day on Tuesday 14th September in order to vote and have your voice heard. As someone with a passion for improving democracy, we hope we can count on you to take part!

Don’t miss out, click here to become an ERS member

What is ERS Membership?

At the Electoral Reform Society we work with political parties, civil society, as well as our members and supporters, academics, and voters, to make the case for real reform to the UK’s crumbling political system.

As a member, your financial contributions support our work in parliament, in the press and online – making the case, and backing it up – for how we can fix Westminster’s broken system.

Make Seats Match Votes
Join as a member for £5 or more a month and receive a free Electoral Reform Society tote bag.

By becoming a member, you’re at the heart of the leading campaign to achieve a democracy fit for the 21st century – one in which every vote is valued equally, and every citizen is empowered to take part.

As a member, you will also receive:

  • Specifically written Members’ Bulletins
  • Exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes information from our campaigns
  • A welcome letter and a copy of our 2019 General Election Report, Voters Left Voiceless
  • The ability to stand and vote in our internal elections
  • Access to free, members-only ERS webinars.
Join the Society from just £2 a month

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