Civil society in Wales; Where now? Where next?

10 Oct 10 Oct

Pierhead Building, CF10 4PZ

Thursday 10 Oct 19 - Thursday 10 Oct 19 10:00 am - 2:45 pm

How has Welsh civil society evolved in the 20 years since devolution? How can it become stronger?

About this Event

In the 20 years since devolution there’s been much analysis on how politics has changed and evolved. Yet, civil society has also had to develop alongside the political institutions in Wales.

This event will explore the current state of Welsh civil society and ask, ‘where next?’.

Draft agenda

In partnership with the Bevan Foundation

Sponsored by Alun Davies AM

10:10am- Welcome and outline of the day- Victoria Winkler, Bevan Foundation

10:20am- Panel discussion on civil society in Wales

  • Chaired by Jess Blair, ERS Cymru
  • Alun Davies AM
  • Willie Sullivan, ERS Scotland
  • Chisomo Phiri, Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales (EYST Wales)
  • Ruth Mosalski, Political Editor, Wales Online

Further speakers will be announced in due course

11:20am- Coffee break

11:30am- Workshop

Developing conclusions about the current state of civil society in Wales and recommendations for how to improve this, focussing on key themes.

12:30pm- Feedback

Each table to report recommendations to the rest of the room and complete list of recommendations to be developed.

13:15pm- Lunch

14:30pm- close


Sut mae cymdeithas sifil yng Nghymru wedi esblygu yn yr 20 mlynedd ers datganoli? Sut ellir cryfhau hyn?

Gwybodaeth am y Digwyddiad hwn

Yn yr 20 mlynedd ers datganoli bu cryn lawer o ddadansoddi sut mae gwleidyddiaeth wedi newid ac esblygu. Eto, bu rhaid i gymdeithas sifil hefyd ddatblygu ochr-yn-ochr â’r sefydliadau gwleidyddol yng Nghymru.

Bydd y digwyddiad yn ystyried cyflwr presennol cymdeithas sifil yng Nghymru ac yn gofyn, ‘ble nesaf?’

Agenda ddrafft

Mewn partneriaeth â Sefydliad Bevan

Noddir gan Alun Davies AC

10:10am – Croeso a throsolwg o’r diwrnod- Victoria Winkler, Bevan Foundation

10:20am – Trafodaeth banel ar gymdeithas sifil yng Nghymru

  • Cadeirydd: Jess Blair, ERS Cymru
  • Alun Davies AC
  • Willie Sullivan, ERS yr Alban
  • Chisomo Phiri, Tîm Cefnogaeth Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig ac Ieuenctid Cymru (EYST Cymru)
  • Ruth Mosalski, Golygydd Gwleidyddol, Wales Online

Caiff siaradwyr eraill eu cyhoeddi maes o law

11:20am – Egwyl am goffi

11:30am – Gweithdy

Datblygu casgliadau ynghylch cyflwr presennol cymdeithas sifil yng Nghymru ac argymhellion ar gyfer sut i wella’r sefyllfa, gan ganolbwyntio ar themâu allweddol.

12:30pm – Adborth

Bydd cyfle i bob bwrdd adrodd yn ôl â’u hargymhellion i weddill yr ystafell, er mwyn llunio rhestr gyflawn o argymhellion.

13.15pm – Cinio

14:30pm – Gorffen

Register tickets

More about event location

Pierhead Building

Pierhead Building, Pierhead Street, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 4PZ

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