The Old Ship Hotel, BN1 1NR
Monday 27 Sep 21 - Monday 27 Sep 21 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
To transform Britain a Labour government must first transform our democracy.
For too long the conservative nature of our political system has acted as a barrier to the policies we need to tackle the crises we face – on climate, on housing or the economy.
Join Clive Lewis MP, Sam Tarry MP, Christine Berry (Editor of The New Foundations), the ERS’ Jessica Garland and Open Labour’s Keiran O’Neill to discuss how a better democracy is the foundation of a progressive policy agenda.
Remaking the state is not a ‘nice to have’, but the only way a Labour Government can change Britain for good.
Presented by Politics for the Many and Open Labour
The Old Ship Hotel, Kings Road, Brighton, UK