Jury's Inn Manchester Central, M1 5LE
Tuesday 01 Oct 19 - Tuesday 01 Oct 19 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm
The Electoral Reform Society’s Darren Hughes and Bright Blue join Damian Collins MP, journalist Hugo Rifkind, Dan Hannan MEP, Alexandra Jezeph (chair) and Professor Rachel Gibson to discuss the need for updating campaign regulations for the 21st Century.
The main legislation regulating political parties’ campaigning activity and finance dates back to 2000 – before Facebook or Twitter existed, let alone had any role in political campaigns.
Parties and campaigns can now collect huge quantities of personal information with little oversight. How can the rules on campaigning catch up with the digital age?
You do not need a conference pass to attend this event. Includes a light buffet lunch.
Jurys Inn Manchester, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, UK