Join Politics for the Many, the trade union campaign for political reform at TUC Congress.
The powerful levers of the state are being used to undo rights and freedoms, attack communities and lock people out of their democratic rights. Growing mistrust of politics and politicians is opening the door to a resurgent authoritarian right. Empowerment is perhaps the most important thing the trade union movement can offer people. Only by putting democracy at the heart of our agenda can we build an economy and society that works for all – a politics for the many.
Chair: Lynn Henderson, PCS and Chair of Politics for the Many
- Sam Tarry MP
- Julie Ward – former MEP and Unite member
- Cllr James Beckles – Unison member
- Julian Vaughan – ASLEF member and former PPC
- Pauline McCarthy – BFAWU and member of Labour NEC
- Caroline Osborne – Labour for a New Democracy and Unite member
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