Kings Auditorium, King's College Conference Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB34 3FX, AB34 3FX
Thursday 05 Dec 19 - Thursday 05 Dec 19 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
On the 26th and 27th October 100 of Scotland’s citizens met to begin the six-month process of deliberating on the future of Scotland. The Citizens’ Assembly will provide the opportunity to democratically work through complex issues facing the country in a way that fosters consensus and understanding rather than division in society.
But what is a Citizens’ Assembly? How does it sit in our current democratic environment? And what exactly are Scotland’s citizens discussing and how?
This public discussion will be a chance to hear from, and ask questions of, a range of speakers following the assemblies initial sitting.
Kings Auditorium, King's College Conference Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB34 3FX