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Good scrutiny means good legislation, and good legislation pays for itself

Senedd expansion is a pivotal moment for devolution

Something historic happened yesterday, something good. What happened in the...

ERS Cymru
Voter ID is the biggest change for a really long time and that presents a massive risk

Big changes to Welsh Police and Crime Commissioner...

Today, voters across Wales will have to show ID to...

Current Affairs Commentary
The Single Transferable Vote is a tried and tested system

Victory as Ceredigion joins Powys and Gwynedd with...

There was fantastic news for voters coming out of Ceredigion...

ERS Cymru

New Senedd Bill is an investment in Welsh...

Yesterday in the Senedd, the First Minister, Mark Drakeford, said...

Current Affairs Commentary
A strong call to better engage with the people of Wales

Constitutional Commission on the Future of Wales’s report...

Last Friday, after two years of work, the Independent Commission...

Current Affairs Commentary
Voters do care about women’s leadership in elected office

Voters prefer decisions made by panels balanced between...

Men still dominate political decision-making in the United Kingdom. Women...

Current Affairs Commentary

Wales is leading the way as registering to...

The age-old adage about waiting for a bus and two...

ERS Cymru
We want every council in Wales to scrap First Past the Post

One year to win local proportional representation in...

A year from today, November 15, 2024, is the last...

Current Affairs Commentary
Jess Blair at the Senedd

We gave evidence to MSs on a new...

In September a new piece of legislation was introduced into...

Current Affairs Commentary
When voters have an electoral system that works for them, Independent councillors get elected

Why independent candidates win with the Single Transferable...

Currently, there are 14 independent MPs in the House of...

ERS Cymru
Good scrutiny pays for itself and poor scrutiny leads to poor decisions going unchallenged

Welsh Government introduce Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections)...

Next year the Senedd will mark a quarter of a...

ERS Cymru

Welsh Government to introduce progressive electoral reforms

Last week in the Senedd, First Minister Mark Drakeford announced...

Current Affairs Commentary