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In 2023 the global proportion of women parliamentarians just was 26 point 5 percent

Proportional representation helped women get elected in 2022

In January 2023, the global proportion of women parliamentarians just...

Current Affairs Commentary
The question of who gets to vote is more complicated than you might think

Exploring the franchise: Who can vote in UK...

The franchise has been in the news recently due to...

Current Affairs Commentary
Let 3

Time for a key change? How we would...

Eurovision is upon us once again – everyone’s favourite flamboyant...

Your Questions Answered
Thousands of voters are left underrepresented or not represented at all

How can one party win all the seats...

In May’s 2023 local elections in England, the Liberal Democrats...

Your Questions Answered
Holland Netherlands

Why did the Netherlands adopt nationwide proportional representation?

The Dutch prioritised proportionality above all else when creating their...

Around the World

What was AV+ the electoral system recommended by...

In their 1997 election manifesto, Labour set out a commitment...

Your Questions Answered
Every major party uses something like the Alternative Vote to elect their leader

Why do so many parties use transferable voting...

The 27th of March sees the announcement of the results...

Current Affairs Commentary
Central party leaders have little influence over who is elected

How do Finland’s elections work?

On Sunday 2nd April, voters in Finland will go to...

Around the World
Proportional representation is the most popular form of democracy in the world today

How many countries around the world use proportional...

Proportional representation is the most popular form of democracy for...

Around the World
The biggest reform would be changing the voting system at Westminster

What elections should the next government reform?

Last week we published a blog on UK electoral reforms...

Your Questions Answered
Polling Station Car Park

What Electoral reforms have there been since 1997?

While the need for reforming Westminster’s First Past the Post...

Your Questions Answered
Carl Andrae

How did Denmark get proportional representation?

Denmark today is home to one of the most proportional...

Around the World