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What is proportional representation?

Parties from across the political spectrum are lining up against our voting system and calling for proportional representation, but what does that term mean? There are lots of different ways to decide who gets to...

Posted 06 Dec 2019

With PR, the number of MPs in parliament are ‘in proportion’ to the votes cast

Slovenia had an election, but who actually won?

“Slovenian nationalist party wins parliamentary election” declares the Guardian. “Anti-immigration party wins Slovenia elections” says CNBC. “Anti-immigrant party wins divisive Slovenian election as coalition talks set to begin” says the Telegraph. The Slovenian Democratic Party...

Posted 05 Jun 2018

Janez Janša

More votes but fewer seats? Surely you’re joking?

Imagine if at the next General Election one party received the most votes, but another – with fewer votes – returned more MPs. It sounds wholly unfair, undemocratic and absurd. But that is exactly what...

Posted 05 Mar 2018

How we vote has to change if our voices are to be heard

It came as no surprise this week that the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed nearly three in five people (57%) in the UK feel their views are not being represented in British politics.  It is the inevitable consequence...

Posted 24 Jan 2018

House of Commons

Ministers are ignoring the elephant in the room when it comes to boundaries

The government’s Minister for the Constitution has claimed that millions of voters living in oversized constituencies are being under-represented. Speaking about the current boundaries, Chris Skidmore MP said: “It is an affront to democracy that 27 million people are under-represented.” ...

Posted 03 Jan 2018

Constituency Boundaries