Hefyd ar gael yn: Cymraeg

Majority of councillors vote for STV in Gwynedd, but vote fails to reach high threshold by one vote

Tom Abraham, Communications and Research Assistant

Posted on the 24th October 2024

There was a disappointing outcome in Gwynedd this afternoon as we just fell short in winning the council’s vote on changing the voting system to the Single Transferable Vote (STV) by a single vote. 

The Single Transferable Vote is a form of proportional representation. Although 45 councillors voted for the change, it won’t happen, as the motion needed to pass the high bar of winning the support of over two-thirds of all councillors.  

22 voted no, one abstained, and one was not present. This means that despite the change receiving the support over 70% of residents in the consultation, and a majority of councillors backing the move, it will not happen.  

It is naturally very frustrating that a technicality means residents in Gwynedd will be stuck using a system that is chaotic, out of date and clearly not well liked by voters. 

That said, while this result is not the outcome we hoped for, it is still a significant achievement. It shows that most council members value a fairer, more representative voting system. This, along with the consultation results, demonstrates a real desire for fairer elections in Gwynedd. 

This strong support is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our supporters. Thanks to their emails, consultation responses, and advocacy, we got so close to achieving our goal.  

While it is disappointing to get this close, we have built a strong foundation to build on. We will continue to push for a more democratic and fair electoral process in Gwynedd and beyond.

Add your name to our call for fair local elections across Wales

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