Hefyd ar gael yn: Cymraeg
Northern Ireland

ERS Northern Ireland

The Electoral Reform Society is in the process of establishing a presence in Northern Ireland to help develop a deeper and more effective democracy.

Northern Ireland has long used proportional representation (STV) for all elections except Westminster. We are committed to pushing democratic reform, deliberation and participation up the political agenda and producing rigorous research on the functioning of democracy in Northern Ireland.


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The ERS Northern Ireland team

Jessica Blair
Jess Blair
Northern Ireland Coordinator

Jess Blair joined ERS in March 2017. Previously Jess was Policy and Projects Manager at the Institute of Welsh Affairs, a leading Welsh think tank. She was also Acting Director during 2016. Prior to that Jess worked in the National Assembly for Wales, writing policy for a political party. She also worked in Brussels with Regional Governments on lifelong learning policy. Jess holds a Masters in Welsh Government and Politics from the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University.