Hefyd ar gael yn: Cymraeg
ERS Cymru team photo

ERS Cymru

The Electoral Reform Society Cymru operates on a simple premise – that politics can be better than it is. We are campaigning for a better democracy in Wales, and across the UK.

ERS Cymru, Cardiff Bay / Suite 5, Platform, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, CF10 5LS

Our vision is a representative democracy fit for the 21st century. We know that every year that passes with our steam age political system still in place, is a year of missed opportunity for the people of Wales.

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Date published
Submission for

Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill – Written Evidence

ERS Cymru
Date published
Submission for

Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Bill – Written Evidence

ERS Cymru

The ERS Cymru team

Jess Blair
Jessica Blair
Director, ERS Cymru

Jess Blair has been Director of ERS Cymru since March 2017 and leads our work on delivering electoral reform in Wales, which includes working with politicians, officials and stakeholders, giving evidence to committees and appearing in the media.

Mat Mathias
Matthew Mathias
Campaigns and Projects Officer

Mat works at the centre of our campaigns and projects, meeting with politicians and decision-makers at all levels in Wales to deliver electoral reform. Mat holds a Masters of Regional History from the University of Wales. Mat has over 15 years of communication and campaigning experience.

Dr Nia Thomas
Research and Campaigns Officer

Nia joined ERS in June 2020, her role includes providing robust evidence and research to support our campaigns in Wales. She is an experienced researcher and communicator having worked across a broad range of fields including biology and politics. She has a PhD from Cardiff University in biological conservation and has previously held roles at the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the Wales Environment Research Hub.

Thomas Abraham
Communications and Research Assistant