2021 Conference and AGM

04 Dec 04 Dec

Saturday 04 Dec 21 - Saturday 04 Dec 21 10:30 am - 3:15 pm

The conference featured a presentation and Q&A session on the Society’s work in 2021, followed by keynote speeches from Dr Robert Ford and Labour for a New Democracy’s Laura Parker.

The morning conference was open to everyone, but you needed to be a member of the Electoral Reform Society to attend the AGM in the afternoon.


Time Agenda Item
10.15 Zoom waiting room opens
10.30 Conference opens Welcome and introduction by Ruth Kelly, ERS Chair
10.35 Presentation on ERS work over the past year Including presentations from: Darren Hughes, ERS Chief Executive, on work in 2021, alongside Willie Sullivan, Director of ERS Scotland, and Jess Blair, Director of ERS Cymru, on the Society’s work in those nations. Followed by a Q&A.

Presentation from Lisa French, Deputy-Chair Campaigns and Willie Sullivan on 2021-24 strategy. Followed by a Q&A.

11.25 Break
11.30 Keynote Speakers: Dr Robert Ford and Laura Parker – What’s the electoral landscape and what does it mean for PR? Followed by a Q&A.
12.20 Breakout into small groups to discuss key questions
12.35 Workshop feedback
12.55 Closing remarks Ruth Kelly, ERS Chair
13.00 Conference closes

Break for lunch, followed by the members-only AGM

Time Agenda Item
13.20 Zoom waiting room opens
13.30 Annual General Meeting opens welcome from the Chair, Ruth Kelly
13.35 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 5 December 2020 and the General Meeting on 30 July 2021 and matters arising
13.45   Receiving the Financial Statements for the year to 31 Dec 2020 Andrew Copson, Treasurer
14.00 ERS Investment Fund Presentation by Elliott Bancroft, Rathbone Brothers plc (ERS Investment Manager)
14.15 Appointment of Auditors Following a tender selection process, the Council recommends that MacIntyre Hudson be appointed as the Society’s new auditors for 2021-22
14.20 Member resolutions We received three valid resolutions from members to be debated at the meeting:

  1. Voting reform for English local government (proposed by David Green) PASSED
  2. Mild civil disobedience (proposed by Brigid Gardner) PASSED
  3. AGM notice and order of motions / statements (proposed by Philip Cole) PASSED

These resolutions are non-binding but will provide Council with an indication of members’ views.

15.05 Results of the resolution polls
15.10 AOB
15.15 Close of meeting

Resolutions for debate

This year we had three Member Resolutions for debate. Whilst the Member Resolutions are not legally binding, they do provide a useful indication of the views of members about the resolution for the Council to consider. The text of the resolutions and the results of voting are available below.

AGM Documents