Conservative Action for Electoral Reform (Conservative Conference)

04 Oct

Executive Room 10 in the ICC Conference Centre, B1 2EA

Tuesday 04 Oct 22 3:30 pm

At the Conservative 2022 Party Conference in Birmingham Conservative Action for Electoral Reform will be hosting an exclusive event looking into the benefits that electoral reform could bring to our party and Britain’s great democracy.

Taking place at 15:30-17:00 on Tuesday 4th October in Executive Room 10 in the ICC Conference Centre, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with speakers exploring how electoral reform might boost the Conservative cause.

The event will feature various speakers from all walks of the Conservative party, the final list of speakers will be announced nearer the time.

The event is exclusively invitation-only.

As this event is inside the Conference centre you will need a pass to access the venue. If you would like to obtain an invitation to attend the event please register your interest by filling in the form on CAER’s website.


Register for the event

More about event location

Executive Room 10 in the ICC Conference Centre

The International Convention Centre, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA, UK

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