Moorfoot Room, Level 0, EICC, 150 Morrison St, Edinburgh, EH3 8EE
Sunday 28 Apr 19 - Sunday 28 Apr 19 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
Following years of community and civic engagement, there are suggestions for a new, radical way to organise Scotland’s Local Government. What should the SNP do?
Presented by ERS Scotland, Common Weal and the Our Democracy campaign.
Chair: Willie Sullivan, ERS Scotland
Lesley Riddoch, Journalist and campaigner Robin McAlpine, Common Weal Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Councillor Laura Brennan-Whitefield, South Ayrshire Council
Sandwiches & Refreshments Provided
This event is inside SNP conference, so you will need a conference pass to attend
Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 150 Morrison St, Edinburgh EH3 8EE, UK