Room G1, Patersons Land, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ, EH8 8AQ
Monday 08 Jul 19 - Monday 08 Jul 19 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Scottish Government has proposed a Citizens’ Assembly on Scotland’s future, providing an opportunity for greater citizen engagement on issues facing the country. A Citizens’ Assembly in Scotland provides the opportunity to democratically work through complex constitutional issues in a way that fosters consensus and understanding rather than division in society. But what is a Citizens’ Assembly?
This panel will be a chance to share and learn about how citizens’ assemblies work in general, and how Scotland’s will function in particular.
Speakers include:
Hosted by Edinburgh University and the Electoral Reform Society.
Room G1 Patersons Land, University of Edinburgh Holyrood Road Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
*Please note change of venue due to exceptional demand*
Paterson's Land, The University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ, UK