50 days and counting to the election no one’s heard of…

Katie Ghose, former Chief Executive

Posted on the 26th September 2012

It’s 50 days and counting to the election no one’s heard of…

We have been joined by candidates from across the political divide to call on Theresa May to tackle the rock bottom turnout predicted for the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections in November.

This letter comes after  thousands of our supporters contacted Theresa May demanding that she take action to avoid the PCC elections resulting in the lowest turnout in British election history.

The signatories for the open letter include the Rt Hon Alun Michael MP,  Brian Paddick; one time Deputy Assistant Commissioner in London’s Metropolitan Police Service, Ann Barnes, former Deputy Chair of the National Association of Police Authorities,  and Martin Underhill, the detective who worked on the Sarah Payne case – together with  PCC candidates from across the country and the political spectrum.

The letter asks the Home Secretary to rethink the way the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are being run and takes some common sense steps to get voters engaged with the process.

We’re calling on Theresa May to

  • Ensure voters know the elections are happening and who the candidates are. The Electoral Commission will be mailing every household to let people know the elections are taking place. The letter asks that information on candidates is included so that people know who they are expected to vote for.
  • Take to the airwaves. Broadcasts boost turnout and should be part of the Government’s package for raising awareness. With only three weeks from nominations closing to polling day candidates must get maximum exposure.
  • Pledge never to hold a major election in the winter again. Helping to improve turnout and reduce costs in one fell swoop.

The Home Office seems to think that if you build it, they will come, but we know this isn’t how elections work. If the Home Secretary is serious about people having a say she needs to listen to the warnings coming from all sides and take action now.

Send a message to Home Secretary Theresa May today telling her: If you’re going to do it, do it right. Write to Theresa May.

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