When getting the most votes isn’t enough – England’s 2018 local elections Last week’s local elections were a textbook lesson in why we need to change the way we elect our local councils. From the wrong party winning, to councils with zero scrutiny, using Westminster’s voting system... Posted 09 May 2018
Revealed: How mandatory voter ID risks locking out legitimate voters Representative democracies rely on people being able to participate in free and fair elections. That is why each time an election comes around the Electoral Reform Society and likeminded campaigners encourage as many people as... Posted 30 Apr 2018
Local Elections 2018: Six things your local council decides on How much do you know about your local council – what it does, how it’s spending the council tax you pay each month, and how you can affect the decisions it makes? As if often the case with politics, the answer isn’t straightforward. In... Posted 26 Apr 2018
Local Elections: Diverse voices are being drowned out by the undemocratic voting system in England and Wales We are now but two weeks from the 2018 local elections. If you live in London you will have the chance to elect councillors for the first time since 2014. If you reside in the... Posted 19 Apr 2018
Seven things you need to know about the local elections Blink and you’ll miss the coverage, but local elections are happening on Thursday 3 May in England. A lot has changed since these seats were last contested, in 2014. We had the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition government,... Posted 16 Apr 2018