How did the Republic of Ireland get proportional representation? Today, almost every election held on the island of Ireland uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV). Bar elections for the 18 Westminster seats from Northern Ireland – every other election, on both sides of the border,... Posted 10 Aug 2022
How are the members of upper houses chosen around the world? Many countries use a bicameral political system – meaning that they have two chambers in their parliament. These parliaments are comprised of a lower house where the government is formed and day-to-day politics is carried... Posted 27 Jan 2022
How are Prime Ministers chosen around the world? With pressure mounting on Boris Johnson, it’s looking increasingly possible that Britain could well soon have a new Prime Minister. Who it would be, would be a decision for Conservative MPs and, possibly, Conservative party... Posted 19 Jan 2022
How are Presidents elected around Europe? 2022 is a big year for presidential elections in Europe – with the Italian, German and French presidencies all open over the next few months. Posted 05 Jan 2022
An independent Electoral Commission for Ireland – A step forward for democracy While in the UK the government has recently threatened our independent elections watchdog with abolition if it cannot be ‘radically overhauled’, across the sea, the Irish government has recently set out plans for establishing an... Posted 12 Jan 2021
Four ways of electing a president – ranked from worst to best America’s presidential election is the most famous presidential election in the world. The antiquated American system of choosing a president via an electoral college is also one of the worst methods for choosing a national... Posted 02 Nov 2020
Does PR mean coalitions? As New Zealand shows – it’s all down to the voters The New Zealand Labour party are celebrating a landslide win, with 49 percent of the vote and enough MPs to form a single-party government on their own. This is the first time since New Zealand... Posted 20 Oct 2020
New research: Comparing rates of electoral assent in the recent Irish and UK general elections Luke Field is an Irish political scientist specialising in campaigns, elections, and democracy. He recently completed a Ph.D. in Political Science at University College Dublin and lectures in Politics at University College Cork. He tweets... Posted 26 Mar 2020
In Ireland, it actually feels like my vote makes a difference As part of a series on the experiences of voters in the Irish 2020 election, we wanted to speak with people who have voted with Ireland’s STV system and under Westminster’s First Past the Post... Posted 18 Feb 2020
STV allowed me to consider the candidates in greater detail As part of a series on the experiences of voters in the Irish 2020 election, we wanted to speak with voters who have voted with Ireland’s STV system and under Westminster’s First Past the Post... Posted 16 Feb 2020