How are the members of upper houses chosen around the world? Many countries use a bicameral political system – meaning that they have two chambers in their parliament. These parliaments are comprised of a lower house where the government is formed and day-to-day politics is carried... Posted 27 Jan 2022
How are Prime Ministers chosen around the world? With pressure mounting on Boris Johnson, it’s looking increasingly possible that Britain could well soon have a new Prime Minister. Who it would be, would be a decision for Conservative MPs and, possibly, Conservative party... Posted 19 Jan 2022
How are Presidents elected around Europe? 2022 is a big year for presidential elections in Europe – with the Italian, German and French presidencies all open over the next few months. Posted 05 Jan 2022
Political football: Italy’s party problems go beyond its voting system In this guest post, Dylan Difford takes a look at Italy’s political system ahead of Sunday’s showdown. While PR-elected governments are the norm in the democratic world – and often more stable than First Past... Posted 09 Jul 2021
Italian far-right fail to bring in First Past the Post On Thursday last week, Italy’s Constitutional Court rejected a request by the far-right League Party to hold a referendum to impose Westminster style First Past the Post (FPTP) for elections to both the Chamber of Deputies... Posted 21 Jan 2020
Which European countries use proportional representation? Of the 43 countries most often considered to be within Europe, 40 use some form of proportional representation to elect their MPs. The UK stands almost alone in Europe in using a ‘one-person-takes-all’ disproportionate voting... Posted 26 Dec 2018