Does First Past the Post stop extremists getting into parliaments? If you listen to supporters of first past the post, you might be forgiven for thinking that British voters are just itching to elect dozens of far-left and far-right MPs - with PR just waiting... Posted 15 Dec 2021
What’s the difference between open and closed list proportional representation? When discussing proportional voting systems, or voting systems in general, we usually talk about how they allocate seats to political parties. But parliaments are more than parties and it also matters how they decide which... Posted 15 Nov 2021
Labour’s Mark Drakeford calls for “radical reform” of the electoral system Mark Drakeford has thrown his support behind changes to how MPs are elected calling for ‘radical reform’ of Westminster’s electoral system. The First Minister of Wales made the remarks at the 2021 Aneurin Bevan Memorial... Posted 28 Oct 2021
Was there a referendum on proportional representation? Whenever a conversation online comes to proportional representation, you can set your watch by the appearance of someone claiming that ‘we had a referendum on that!’. Advocates of the way things are in Westminster argue... Posted 28 Oct 2021
“The future is going to be negotiated, not dictated”: Labour figures speak out for PR Across the country – and increasingly within the Labour party – people are realising that Westminster's rotten system skews not just our politics, but our economy too. Posted 01 Oct 2021
80% of CLP back PR but motion falls at Labour Party Conference On Monday Labour conference debated and voted on a motion to back PR, adding a pledge to their next manifesto. Despite the overwhelming support of local party delegates, 80% of whom supported the campaign for... Posted 30 Sep 2021
Labour conference: Party set to vote on supporting vital shift to proportional representation Labour conference delegates will vote today on whether to back proportional representation, and ditch Westminster’s broken voting system. Attendees will debate the policy shift at the conference in Brighton, which would push the party to... Posted 27 Sep 2021
5 events not to miss at Labour conference Support is growing across the Labour movement for reform of Westminster’s creaking electoral system. 83% of Labour members support PR according to the latest polling, and over 250 CLPs have already passed local policy in... Posted 09 Sep 2021
Baroness Randerson on working together, Westminster’s weakness, and ‘recasting’ democracy Baroness Jenny Randerson speaks to Josiah Mortimer about reforming the Welsh and UK electoral systems and the future of devolution. Posted 12 Aug 2021
Joint letter: 650 voters in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland call for PR at Westminster A new report from the ERS celebrates two-decades of proportional representation in Britain, including the Senedd, Scottish Parliament, and London Assembly. Posted 02 Aug 2021