People's History Museum, New Court Street, Manchester M3 3ER, UK
We’re supporting the launch of this campaign as part of #DemocracyDay. The way we make decisions isn’t working. Our democratic...
Kings Auditorium, King's College Conference Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB34 3FX
On the 26th and 27th October 100 of Scotland’s citizens met to begin the six-month process of deliberating on the...
11A Upper Market St, Brighton BN3 1AS
Join us at The World Transformed to experience how citizens’ assemblies can be used to give power back to the people....
Paterson's Land, The University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ, UK
The Scottish Government has proposed a Citizens’ Assembly on Scotland’s future, providing an opportunity for greater citizen engagement on issues...
Pendulum Hotel - Manchester City Centre, Sackville Street, Manchester, UK
Politics for the Many, the trade union campaign for political reform, are hosting a major conference to address the challenges...
The Caird Hall Dundee, City Square, Dundee DD1 3BB, UK
How can we update the old fashioned institutions and rules of British politics so that people really have power? Pauline...